HELLO!!!!!!!! I can not believe it is already season 3 episode 1 of Tara Who's life. There is no need to say that I have been being busy and living life since we last spoke but let's catch up really quick and then later on we can dig deeper into all the details my old friends!
okay so yes after you saw me telly for 20 episodes over eight weeks in total after that rumours went wild that I have found the love of my life and this is true. So madly, deeply I have enjoyed my life. As the life runs so fast- meanwhile I moved in my dream apartment, hustled around and been dancing! I also found yoga practises again, signed myself to one infra yoga studio, bought my dream bag (Chanel), started playing Tennis, had wonderful vacation, have been shopping like crazy, did some charity and made other dreams come true! The years have been crazy and fun and I can not wait what September brings to my life.
Hades is doing great- he is such a big boy and he has moving hips like Shakira (which we unfortunately don't like although we are dancing supporting family)
I think these are the most important points. I want to keep this brief but I promise this will be regular thing (Not like the most famous YouTubers that always promise to make video but never deliver- but I keep my word!! we have half a year to go at least ;) ) This is a promise I can commit. At least half a year full peak to my private life again my best internet friends! I missed you so much- I hope you missed me too.
Oh and thank you for the MR. Who fixing this blog. I can not believe you saved it with starting from the scratch.
TOODALOO and hear you soon!
I missed and love you!!!
Tara Who.
